Petroleum (Acid?) Spill, Huron River, A2, Michigan
Apparatus: 8, Personnel: 17" -- AAFD Incident Report
"1 Rescue Unit, 2 Trucks, 2 Engines, 1 Chief Officer Car, 2 Hazmat Units" -- AAFD Incident Report
"6 D/O, 8 FF, 2 LT, 1 CAPT. to an 'Activity' of 'HC Hazardous" -- AAFD Incident Report
"BC notified County EOC, City Emergency Management, County Haz Mat, Drain Commission and requested for U of M OSHA (###### ######)" -- AAFD Incident Report
"Ann Arbor Fire Department (AAFD) initially responded to the scene" -- OSEH to MDNRE
"UMH security, UM-Department of Public Safety (DPS) and UM-Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (OSEH) also responded" -- OSEH to MDNRE
"FD was first responder" -- HRWC
"I've talked with FD, Emerg. Mgt and ###### ######, and notified the WCWRC ###### ######, and the WWTP in case they get any calls. ######, ###### are aware of this as well" -- HRWC
"City of Ann Arbor also appears ot have followed all reporting requirements to other local agencies" -- MDNRE
Home address of Complainant: "Huron Valley Ambulance, Ann Arbor, MI" -- UM DPS Incident Report
"###### ###### UofM OSEH spoke with Survival Flight and the hospital with nothing to report reference any type of spillage" -- UM DPS Additional Report, but 18 days AFTER the spill
Question -- The Huron Valley Ambulance called in the original emergency call to DPS, and they have no reference to the spill?
"######, an employee from H.V.A. who contacted our Dept. to report the river contamination issue was not on scene." -- UM DPS Incident Report.
Question -- So, indeed, the HVA was on scene (according to that statement), but the person from the Huron Valley Ambulance left the scene?
"UM OSEH Representative, ###### ###### arrived on the scene at approx. 9:30pm. ###### advised that the Ann Arbor Fire Dept. was in control of the scene and he was an observer" -- UM DPS Narrative Report, July 19th
Question: So AAFD was in control and OSEH was just watching?
"The scene was then turned over to U of M, and a gentleman by the name of ###### ###### [same name as the quote above], who informed us he worked for U of M OSEA, told us that U of M was taking responsibility for the incident since the storm water pipe came from the U of M property." -- AAFD Narative Incident Report, July 19th
Question: So OSEH was in control and AAFD was just watching? (does that contradicts what was said above?)